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Website designing

How to own a stunning website under £500

Whether you’re a current business owner or aspiring to start your own venture, it’s important to allocate a budget for vital investments, such as building a website. Building a new website can always make a big hole in your pocket if not planned well. But with careful planning and efficient use of resources you can create a stunning website that too on a budget of less than £500. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you own a visually appealing website within your budget:

1. Determine your website’s goals
It is often seen that a lot of time gets wasted when you jump into development without understanding the goal of your website. So, the first thing you need to do is to clearly define the purpose and goals of your website. Understand the key features, functionality, and design elements you want to incorporate. Note them down well and stick to them while building your website.


2. Choose a website platform:

There are hundreds of website designing/development platforms available. So, selecting the right website platform is not only crucial for your budget but also for the achievement of your website goal. Think about using an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) like WordPress. It offers lots of templates and customization options. 


3. Select a cost-effective hosting provider:

Look for affordable hosting providers that are reliable and have good customer support. Some popular options include Bluehost, HostGator, and Site Ground are available with different plans and offers. Compare prices and features to find the best fit for your needs.

  1. Choose a pre-designed theme or template: Instead of investing in custom web design, opt for a pre-designed theme or template that suits your industry and style preferences. Platforms like WordPress provide numerous free or low-cost themes that can be customized to fit your brand.
  2. Customize the theme: Personalize the selected theme to match your branding. Modify colours, fonts, and layout elements using the theme’s customization options or a visual editor like Elementor (free version). This way, you can achieve a unique look without the need for expensive custom development.
  3. Focus on high-quality visuals: Invest in professional stock photos or use free stock image websites like Unsplash or Pixabay to find high-resolution images that align with your website’s content and aesthetics. Incorporate captivating visuals to enhance the overall appeal of your site.
  4. Optimize for performance: Ensure your website loads quickly and performs well across devices. Optimize images, minify CSS and JavaScript files, and enable caching to improve page loading speed. WordPress plugins like WP Rocket or Autoptimize can assist with these optimizations. There are reference videos and articles available on YouTube and other website that you can refer if you do not know how to use these tools,
  5. Create engaging content: Content is king for a website. So craft compelling and concise content that effectively communicates your message to visitors. Use clear headlines, bullet points, and relevant visuals to make your content more engaging and easier to digest.
  6. Implement basic search engine optimization (SEO): Improve your website’s visibility in search engines by incorporating basic SEO practices. Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO (free version) for WordPress to optimize page titles, meta descriptions, and keywords.
  7. Test and launch your website: Before going live, thoroughly test your website across different browsers and devices to ensure it looks and functions as intended. Fix any issues or inconsistencies you come across prior to the lunch of the website.
  8. Promote your website: Leverage social media platforms, email marketing, and other digital marketing techniques to drive traffic to your website. You may utilize free or low-cost tools like Mailchimp or Hootsuite to manage your marketing efforts.

Keep in mind that you can create a captivating website even with a limited budget by planning ahead and putting your plans into action. Concentrate on key features, visuals, and content that align with your goals, and make smart investments to maximize the impact of your website within your budgetary limits.

Are you unsure about building your own website? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! YAIIT Digital Agency is here to help. With our expertise and dedication, we promise to deliver a stunning website for you at an unbeatable price of just £495.

What you get in this
one-time website design offer of £495?

Why worry about the complicated process of web development when you can count on our expert team to handle it for you? We understand the importance of a well-designed website that captivates your audience and leaves a lasting impression. We’ve got the technical stuff covered, so you can focus on doing what you love most.

Getting started is simple! Get in touch with us right away at 079855 83956 through a call or WhatsApp, and our friendly team will be there to help you out. Alternatively, you can send us an email at, and we’ll promptly respond to kick-start your website journey.